Our Team

Meet the Plattduetsche Home Society Leadership Team

Our team is committed to helping our residents enjoy a happy, peaceful and safe retirement. At the Plattduetsche Home Society, we have uncompromising standards of excellence that ensure the safety, security, and dignity of our residents. Our team members are always available to assist the needs of our residents and their families. Get to know our leadership team who fulfills our commitment to quality elder care services.

The Members of our Leadership Team

Steven E. Kordisch
Both Communities

Renee Cottrell
Case Manager
Adult Home

Maria Drauch
Program Coordinator
Enriched Housing Apartments

Richard Oliver
Operations Manager

A nurse on the Plattduetsche leadership team

Teasha Wells
Director of Nursing

Thomas Henrichs
Executive Chef

Jennifer Bushati
Director of Recreation

Rebecca Proscia
Assistant Director of Recreation

Shazad Kassim
Facilities Manager

Brittane Hughes
Housekeeping and Dietary Supervisor

Donna Lovallo
Administrative Assistant

Carolee Brooks-Buckley

Carolee Brooks-Buckley
Nursing Supervisor

Donna Celebi

PHS Board of Directors

Joseph Neubauer

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of 21 Volunteers who are dedicated to the Management and Finances of the Home. This includes setting the Culture and Values of the Home to provide the best possible experience for its Residents today and into the future. Each Board Member brings their Knowledge from diverse backgrounds including: Legal, Hospitality, Project Management, Risk Management, Healthcare, Construction and a whole host of other industries.

Ladies Society

Ladies Society

Ladies Society of the Plattduetsche Home Society, our leaders in contributions and charitable donations for the benefit of PHS

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